Thursday, April 7, 2011

Driving and Scooting

We have finally sprung forward, which means there's still plenty of daylight left after Frank and I come home from work. We love this time of year because after a long day at work, we get to come home and take the kids out for some fun and exercise.

On this day, we opted for the scooter and buggy. Emma is so fast on the scooter. I'm afraid she's going to have a big fall one day. Alex loves the buggy. He holds on to the steering wheel and smiles. I love these kids. If I could afford a housekeeper and a cook, I'd have many more.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what I wouldn't give for some sunshine here, just last night we got another 3 or 4 inches of snow. Ahh
    And I have to say don't you love the little car. Jamison had one and we took it every where. Walks, the market, the mall. Everytime we go to our storage unit he still gets it out to play with.
